Coffee always fresh...

Coffee always fresh...

Friday 28 March 2014

I have spent the week reflecting on friends, family and loss. I have come to the conclusion that my intentions are not always altruistic, but then, whose really are?

My cousin died on the weekend. A complicated family dynamic I will not discuss in this open forum; however, his death brought out in me several feelings and now I regret losing a man who was a good friend in my younger days. He even took me to my high school prom! It's sad.  Life goes on.

The weather is foul, sort of in keeping with my gloomy mood. The boss has just left to go to work. I am waiting to call California for some references. I have finally put away most of what we removed from the storage last week. I have consolidated, stuffed into boxes and generally hidden (bad, I know) stuff I don't want to deal with. There is just so much of it. I will get around to it, just not now. (Where have I heard that before? Probably from my own mouth!)

I spent part of the afternoon with a lovely friend yesterday, and I had a great chat. So liberating to talk to a friend. Good for the soul.

Having said my piece for now, I shall move on to other things. I wish you a good day. Share yours if you like. I'm always delighted to hear from friends.

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