Coffee always fresh...

Coffee always fresh...

Saturday 6 December 2014

They are in the new house... and it's almost Christmas

Finally, after ten days of total stress and apprehension, the house in Dunsford closed on Monday, and we went back on Tuesday to help. It was a bitter, cold day and Ronald, Andrea and I got everything out of the truck. The house was overfull, but everything got there. It's an adorable house, and everyone is getting used to it. They have TV and Internet and a new phone number. It's all "good" as they say. When I asked this evening how the house was, Jackson said, "cute;" so I guess he is actually settling in. Thank goodness! I was afraid he was going to get ornery and just be a rebel.
We discussed going to Erica's for Christmas Eve, so we can all be together. Matt and family will then go to Andrea's dad's, and we will have Christmas morning at Erica's. After that, we are invited, as always, to Karen and Bill's, so we will probably go there and then home.  Erica and family hopefully will come here between Boxing Day and New Year's. So complicated when there are so many families. It was so easy when we all went to Montreal for Christmas. I do miss those Christmases often. But life changes, and we have to move on, right?
I started baking today. Pfeffernusse. Tomorrow crescents and shortbread. Then Holiday Ring Cake and Ginger Cake.
Did I mention the branches Ronald cut for the planter out front? I want a small tree that I can decorate with lights. He brought a "branch" from a hemlock, which he says will be perfect. NOT! Somehow, tomorrow, I will have to convince him that it really doesn't have any likeness to a tree, and I want a tree... LOL
More as it happens.

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